The content of EASA CS-E training is as follows;
- Introduction
- Propulsion Systems
- Test Requirements
- Hazardous Effects
- CS-E 50 Engine Control Systems
- CS-E 510 Safety Analysis
- CS-E 515 Critical Parts
- CS-E 540 / 790 / 800 Foreign Object Damage
- CS-E 650 Vibration Survey
- CS-E 740 Endurance Test & Associated Rules
- CS-E 780 Tests in Ice-Forming Conditions
- CS-E 810 Compressor and Turbine Blade Failure
- CS-E 840 Rotor Integrity
- CS-E 850 Compressor, Fan and Turbine Shafts
- Type Certification of Piston Engines
- Engine Failure
- Propulsion Seminars
- Electric / Hybrid Engines
- Fuel Cells
- Hydrogen Powered Aircraft Engines