What is CS-VLA?
CS-VLA (Very Light Aircraft) is the EASA published certification specification that includes the technical and operational requirements of aircraft with a maximum take-off weight of 750 kg and less.
Within the scope of harmonization of rules by EASA and FAA, VLA type aircraft are approved under CS-23 Amdt 5.
For detailed information on the subject, you can visit our CS-23 Small Aircraft Certification page.
What is CS-LSA?
CS-LSA (Light Sport Aeroplanes) is the EASA published certification specification that includes the technical and operational requirements of aircraft with a maximum take-off weight of 600 kg and less.
Both EASA and FAA look for compliance with the “F2245-12d Design and Performance of a Light Sport Airplane” document for the certification of LSA category aircraft.
Click for the relevant documents published by FAA.